Thursday, November 3, 2011

Heavy Lifting

So, it's been a while.  The diagram of the eye is in high demand, apparently.  Good for you!  You're looking into things.  The eye is a very important organ.  I think I can safely say that I would rather lose hearing versus sight.  Although I'd rather not lose anything,  to not be able to see a loved one ever again, to never be able to read words on paper would be devastating.  Take good care of your eyes everyone! Thank you for continued visits.

My back hurts.  A lot.  Nothing to write home about, I guess.  It isn't crazy pain... just the pain of experience. I work at a physically demanding job... in a library archives... moving huge boxes and ancient volumes of court records.  Sure, I lift with my legs, but they're barely three feet long.  I don't get a lot of leverage down there.

Exhaustion sets in after a few short hours and I just want the day to end.  It always does, of course.  I get a few hours of good eating and sleeping time--I'm big on eating, despite my small stature--and then another day starts.
Add this to my full-time student status and life is a whirlwind of exhaustion.

Thank my gorgeous stars, I graduate from both college and archives in December! Now for the real heavy lifting!  Time to find real work.  Wish me luck all.
Just a short post to get me back into the swing.  Have a great night all.  Back to the archives in the morning!

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