Monday, November 7, 2011

Let's Make the Men Uncomfortable...

Hormones suck.

I was watching Hallmark's Christmas Open House Weekend or something of the like.  This is the first weekend that they start marathoning all the made-for-TV Christmas movies.  These are generally happy movies.  Christmas romances for those of you unfamiliar with the spectacular.

Now, I'm not sure, but I must be premenstrual, because I cried during both of the movies I watched.  One of them was a nice romance, I think.  I'm not going to lie, I don't even remember what the first one was about.  The second one was also a nice romance, however it had a sad twist to it.  Two characters lost loved ones in the past and the memories were cropping up in the present.  There, you now know the entire premise of the movie.

I was watching with my grandmother and I hate to cry in front of anyone.  So, I was hiding my tears in my hoodie and scratching my head to block my profile.

From that point on, everything seemed to upset me, even if just a little.
I cried for random little things and had to hide my face again.  I almost cried when I said goodbye and left my grandparents' house to go back to school.
I almost cried while driving, which is not a good thing to do.

I don't know if sitting on a heating pad for a sore back bakes and diffuses the hormones, but I'll never do that again.  My word.  It was awful.

So, sorry men.  We can't help it.  You'd be upset too if you had to suffer through this particular week.

I'm not going to go look up hormones and periods because honestly, I don't want to know.  It happens to me, and I just want it to be over with.  If you're curious, you can search it.

Just so you know, men, it isn't a picnic.  It does hurt, and in more places than you might think.  We can cramp.  Our breasts can get sore.  Sometimes our ovaries even hurt.  Backs ache. Not to mention we break out in acne.  And then we bleed for days on end.

Yes.  This is uncomfortable.  And believe me, I'm almost done.  Just one more thing.

Women, take care of your bodies.
Men, take care of your women.
And definitely don't get in our way the week before.

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